When Will My Guppy Give Birth

guppy breeder

New Member
Aug 30, 2011
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when will my guppy give birth??

when guppies are pregnant, you will see black spots and she will get extremly fat compare to normal size...and will take a bit
then you want to put her in breeding trap or breeding tank and do a bit of water change and it will kick in
ohh..i dont know why but keep showing error on new conversation thingie..but looks like dark brown rather than black in the picture..

so if its black as stated..if you look at guppy directly from the head part..can you see if she looks almost box shape? or no?
hrm..anad how long she been like that?

oh and wat other fishes do you have in the tank you have with those guppies?
oh...then you should be just fine..just make sure to have like sponge filter or something..and i'd put em in breeding trap once the spot get super dark..or if you see female guppy lay down on floor a lot or not eat much..that should be sign of geting close to it..and here is pic of my tank ;)

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