When Will My Guppy Give Birth?


New Member
Oct 18, 2005
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Bromley UK
i have 2 female and 2 male guppies, when i bought the females the other day they were not so big, now one is huge and im desperatly waiting for her to give birth to the fry, does any one know any time specifics as to when she will as she is in a breeding trap at the moment and i dont want to keep moving her, in the past they just gave birth but this time i would like to keep some fry.
Thanks -_-
It may be a while. If she looked pretty skinny when you got her, it could be a good few weeks. Any chance you could post a picture? :)

And I wouldn't keep her in the breeding trap. In a couple of days, she is going to be really stressed out and that can make her abort fry, have birthing troubles, or even die. Also, it's best to have 2-3 females per male, so you might want to look into getting some more females... :thumbs:
She may give birth when she looks something on the lines of this (well maybe a bit smaller! :D ) hope it helped
oh wow thats HUGE!!! :p ok i have taken some pictures hope they work, ah they don't, how do you load pictures?
You have two choices. :)

Go into the Member's Aquarium and Fish Pictures section, and upload them there from your computer. Then post a link to the topic in here.


Host them somewhere online, like Imageshack.com or Photobucket.com. Then copy the URL of the picture, click the little button that looks like a picture of a tree on here, and paste the address in. Should show up as a picture. :thumbs:

If you need more help, feel free to ask me or PM me. :nod:

Edit: By the way, not all Guppies get that huge, or nearly that huge. That one looks like it might even be slightly bloated or constipated, or have dropsy or something. -_- Or maybe she's just REALLY fat. But don't expect your's to get to that point, as most don't.
right i think i have this cracked, my guppy is the yellow one,



what do you think? :S
From the pictures, I'd say 1-2 weeks. However, is she small? Some young ones will only get that big before they give birth. But personally, I think she looks almost full-grown and I would judge over a week. So I'd take her out of the Breeder trap. :thumbs:

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