When, What And How Often With Ferts?


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2008
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Hi there,

I thought it time to consider my fert shedule then realised I have no idea,

what should i start with?
what do i need?
when should I start etc?

All I used for my anubias in my last tank was a commercial plant food.

Regards Darren
It all depends on your aquarium.

What size, light, CO2, substrate, plants etc.

More plants, light and CO2 = more ferts, more regularly.

Unless you are heavily planted then dosing off-the-shelf according to the instructions is plenty. In fact, not being heavily planted is a recipe for algae issues...
I have more plants coming and for the tank it will be planted heavily...
Its is lower light a decent fert (seachem flourish or Tropica plant nutrition) once or twice a week is probably all that is needed.

Easycarbo or Flourish Excel would help too if you can't get co2 and need a carbon source.

Easycarbo or Flourish Excel would help too if you can't get co2 and need a carbon source.

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