When U Aquscape Do U


Oct 9, 2006
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make it to be more livible/suitible for the fishies? like make hiding places for loaches, having a driftwood for a plec and caves for kiribs or u go for the look of the tank?
With any pet you must take into consideration their requirements first.

For example you wouldn't keep a dog if you lived in a flat on the 30th floor of a city with nowhere to exercise it.

Likewise you wouldn't keep fish in a bare tank if they need hiding places.

If you have fish that like the security of hiding places then you put in hiding places.
If you have fish that like the security of safety in numbers then you don't just buy 1
If you have fish that are territorial then you don't buy 2 for a small tank

I have 6 Ottos in my planted and they like algae so I never clean the glass and also they eat algae from leaves.
I have 6 Pitbull Plecs and they like some hiding places and bogwood to nibble on so I have bogwood caves and shady areas under the plants.
I also have 15 Neons as they like to shoal and this provides the safety in number aspect.

IMO you can balance both so that you get the look you want, and the fish are happy. I found that my fish were wayy more active when I added more plants and hiding spots, and I love the look of rocks and lots of plants in a tank..Eitherway, if the fish are comfortable, then it will be alot more rewarding then just having the layout you want.
good question this! i tend to put in what i think is needed by the fish/inverts. then try to make it look ok. stock first looks second. my wife seems to think the tank should be some sort of Andy Warhole, bad trip and sod the stock.
Suitable for the fish :good:

I wish I could heavily plant my largest tank but I have to take my 2 bichirs into consideration as they are very big / fat and stay on the bottom of the tank 90% of the time so if I had plants everywhere they wouldn't be able to get around as well, I also hate their caves but they have to have somewhere to call home, gonna have to get some java moss or something to disguise them a bit! Similar probs with my corys, don't want to put the plants too close together so they have room to dart inbetween / hate their plantpot retreats. Next time I'm setting up a planted tank I shall be heavily planting and buying small fish, prob. cardinal tetras or similar.
go with what's suitable for the fish but don't be scared to experiment a little.

eg, your caves do not necessarily have to be made from stones or bogwood, an overhang of a fairly sturdy plant such as anubius can give a nice bit of shelter and a different look.

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