When To Move Fry?


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May 23, 2011
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For a little over a week now we've had a 20 gallon tank set up. We took one tray of media from our 100 gallon tank's filter & put it into the filter for the 20 gallon. We also moved a plant & put some store bought bacteria starter into the gravel. We've had 5 zebra danios in the tank for a week now & the water keeps coming back fine on everything. Our ph is a little high but I believe some water changes will fix that correct?

I'm guessing the ph is as high as it is because we seem to have quite a bit of food sitting around on the bottom of the tank. So I was going to do a small water change on the 20g tank today. Then I was hoping if we got to it this weekend we might do another water change, vacuum the gravel & put the fry in the tank. We have 28 guppy fry that are 3 wks old & 3 what I assume are platy fry that might be around the same age. I'll attach a pic of the platy (?) fry. The 3 look almost as big as some of our green neon tetras so I'm wondering if we should just let them out in main tank & not worry about moving them into the small tank. A few of the guppy fry are close to the size of the other 3 but some are still pretty small. I think our guppy mother will probably be dropping another batch next Tuesday so I'd like to get the first batch moved & give the main tank a good cleaning before we have more fry to worry about. Plus I think one of our platy's should be dropping very soon as well.

Anyone have any advice on this? You think 1 week is long enough to make sure water seems ok before moving fry? Water changes should solve the PH problem?

Does this look like a platy fry? Maybe 3wks old? give or take a few days?



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