When to give up on a spawn?


Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Erie, Pennsylvania
Well guys, I decided to attempt my first spawn!

I put the male & female in the breeding tank yesterday around 4:30 PM. (Well, the male IN the tank, and the female in the chimney vase.)

By this morning, the male has built a pretty good bubble nest underneath the styrofoam cup, and the female was showing stripes, so I released her around 11:00 AM. He chased her around for about 20 minutes, then went back to his bubble nest.

I keep checking on them periodically, and all afternoon/evening as I've peeked in, he was hanging out under his bubble nest, and she was hiding in the plants. However, when I checked on them about 10 minutes ago, I noticed she now has a couple tears in her tail, and he has a couple tears in his anal fin.

My question is, how do you know how long to let things go? I know when breeding bettas, they often get torn up ... but being that this is my first spawn, I'm not used to how much is "too much" and its making me really nervous. (I don't like to see my "babies" get hurt at all!)

They aren't chasing eachother around the tank or anything, but obviously there has been some damage done.

Should I let them go overnight? I'll probably be up till at least 1:00 AM (so that's another 7 hours or so) -- should I let them go and keep checking on them?
The nervous part doesn't ever really go away,no matter how many spawns you've had. But you do have to learn to just let them do their thing,and I know that's really hard to do.

Sometimes it takes up to 5 days. I would say that since they're both nipped there's at least some passion going on in there and it's great that he's at least nesting. Some males are really neurotic about their nests being perfect. As long as your female has lots of hiding space,everything should be fine. Use your judgement as to how much fighting is too much. Nips to the finnage are acceptable,cornering and repeatedly abusing while the other doesn't strike back, are not.
I just thought I'd back up what Kelly said, very good info. Keep in mind that every breeder is different in what, how long and how much they allow. I know a breeder who puts them in until there are either eggs or one is dead (that of course is a drastic end). Most of my successful spawns took 1.5-2 days after releasing the female, none were quicker. I've also found that my pairs NEVER spawn during the night, so I now re-chimney the female at night, turn off the light and let them rest for the next day...while many other breeders have had many spawns during the night, Lol. Everyone is different in what works for them.

Good luck, I hope it works out for you.

I was just about to ask the same question! Seeing the torn fins really bother me, I'm not sure if I can stand this a few more days. Thanks for the advice.

Just another question (I hope you don't mind, Mandi)--will they be ok without food for the several days it may take?

Also, if the female shows vertical bars in the glass jar, but turns pale and shows horizontal bars instead when she is released, does that mean she is not ready to spawn, and should be separated again, or will she be fine? Mine keeps doing this- vertical bars when separated, horizontal when released (apparently the male keeps chasing her and has nipped some fins).
Breeding Bettas is definetly not for the faint of heart...and if you have a Betta that you just love and in no way want it's fins damaged, DO NOT BREED HIM/HER. It's very rare that someone, if not both, don't come out with torn fins.

I've had females that will vertically bar up in the chimney then horizontally bar in when released. I would give her time to adjust being out of the jar, be sure she has PLENTY of hiding places. She may just be in a little shock that he can now get to her, but she may settle down, so give her time. If after a day and she's still horizontally barred up, then I would rejar her.

I just gave up on mine. I don't mind not getting a successful spawn, but I hate it that my girl got all ripped up for nothing. :angry: Sigh, maybe will try again in a few months with a different pair.

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