When Is The Most Ideal Time To Add Clown Loaches To A Newly Cycled Tan


Fish Crazy
Feb 28, 2006
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As my new 240L tank nears the end of its cycle, I was wondering when would be the best time to add Clown loaches?
Not until the tank has matured and all the water stats have been stable for at least a month, normally this will be around 6 months from when you added the first fish.
Clowns are very succeptible to Ick and so need optimum water conditions and mature water. It would be at least 2 months after your tank has cycled to put in clowns safely without them getting any Ick. Ideally towards the middle or end of your fish stocking.


Personally i wouldn't add them at all unless you plant to upgrade again in future, clowns grow 12" and its surprising how fast they grow, mine went from 1.5" to 6" in 2 years and i keep them in a 400 litre tank.

There are loads of other lovely loaches which could live out their whole lives in your tank, zebras, darios, chain loaches to name a few. Have a look on www.loaches.com for more.

Emma :)

Personally i wouldn't add them at all unless you plant to upgrade again in future, clowns grow 12" and its surprising how fast they grow, mine went from 1.5" to 6" in 2 years and i keep them in a 400 litre tank.

There are loads of other lovely loaches which could live out their whole lives in your tank, zebras, darios, chain loaches to name a few. Have a look on www.loaches.com for more.

Emma :)

If its a 240 Litre 4 foot tank or bigger then 4 foot then it will be perfectly fine for clown loaches. Anything smaller then 4ft will not be able to hold them for very long.

Emma, do you keep your clowns with discus? I have noticed that clowns grow a bit fast when kept with discus due to the high temperature and high protien food..


Mine are in with other loaches, tetras, platys, otos, bristlenose plecs and a farlowella, the temp is 26. In a tank which is 60" x 20" by 24".

Emma :)

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