When good intentions go awry.


New Member
Dec 3, 2003
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San Antonio, TX
Yesterday I decided to give my aquatic friends a treat. After rearanging the aquarium several times, I thought they deserved a reward for putting up with my intrusions. So I dropped a quarter square of frozen bloodworms in the tank. It was meant for five fish. Well, my Platy couple ended up eating the whole lot. Chasing the other fish away if they tried to get some. I was really worried. I thought the female was going to explode. Her belly got so big. Thank god all is back to normal this morning.
So, when you guys drop some goodies in your tank. How do you make sure that everyone gets a little?
I have two angelfish that make me look like mr. Cruelyboots everytime we have visitors because they eat like they havent been fed for months!
What I do is melt the frozen cube in a small container with aquarium water that I have just taken from the tank so its warm, then just pour it back in or even better, use a fork or something to take just the bloodworm out and not the gunk that comes out of the cube.
If Im in a hurry, I put the cube in and shake it around the tank with a bamboo stick so it falls apart and blooworm fall like snow everywhere!

as ken said, i defrost mine in a little bit of tank water and scatter (like seeds) across the top of the tnak, this way all the tank gets a dose not just one part.... i hate seeing them in clumps makes me gringe... also the fish seem to like doin a bit of hide go seek lmao.... even tho the cories beat them.... mind u then again so do the loaches lmao

Dawn xx
Well my fish are spoiled! They have like 5 goodies(if u include live plants):tubifex worms, algae disks, brine shrimp pellets, and flakes. With the worms i take little bits off for my piggy barbs to keep busy eating. While they're eating i put flakes in the water and wet them so they drop to my neons and my guppies. Then i i break up either the algae or shrimp pellets and spread a couple pieces around my tank so my barbs can feed on some (when they're done) and my cories and guppies will also find some not far away. Thats my strategy. If i put the flakes on the top first my barbs come chomping up and sometimes nip at my guppies :(.
I have similar problems feeding my freezed dried tubifex worm cubes or my algae pellets to my fish. The swordtails try to monopolize on them pushing everyone else away. I usually try to break it up so that the other fish have a chance. I haven't used frozen food before, is it healthier or do the fish like it more than freeze dried?

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