when do i get an algae eater?


Fish Addict
Apr 3, 2004
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Toronto, Canada
Hi everyone! I purchased my first tank (25 gallons) 3 weeks ago and have had fish for 2 1/2 weeks now. I've been told that i have too many fish to start with (5 platies and 4 mollies) but they all seem to be doing really well.. very active, playing and getting along just fine. I was told at the fish store not to get an algae eater yet and read on another post that algae can be a good thing in the beginning. I have noticed some algae starting to grow on one of my rocks and was just wondering when do i buy an algae eater and which type would be the best for my tank? We're having soooo much fun watching our fish and don't want to do anything to hurt them. Thanks in advance for all your advice!
You have algae in 3 weeks, WOW. Took me 3 months to get it but I usually try to keep the nitrates down to about 15-20 ppm. I wouldnt purchase one until you are done cycling your tank.
boozybears said:
Hi everyone! I purchased my first tank (25 gallons) 3 weeks ago and have had fish for 2 1/2 weeks now.


I have noticed some algae starting to grow on one of my rocks and was just wondering when do i buy an algae eater and which type would be the best for my tank?
Hi boozybears, welcome to the forum!

I'd be cautious at this point about adding another fish to the tank. Have you checked out the link about avoiding and treating new tank syndrome? Here it is in case you haven't seen it. This post contains great information about what the nitrogen cycle is and how to keep track of it.

The best way to judge when you can add new fish to your tank is by checking the parameters of your tank water (ammonia and nitrites). So, I second what Shizat wrote about waiting until your tank has finished cycling.

You expressed some wonderful sentiments and really seem to care about your fish, which I think is terrific. Good luck and let us know how things are going. :)
My personal opinion would be for you to start off with Bristlenose plecs.
They are hardy little workers and won't grow HUGE. I have had 6 in my tank now for a few years and the biggest is 3" long. Unlike some algae eaters that stop eating algae when they mature these will eat algae thorougout their lives. However, after saying all that you should always supplement their diet with algae wafers or something similar. These provide the essential vitamins the fish needs.
As to when, I would suggest when the water parameters are reading good and that's doesn't seem to be quite yet.
I suggest waiting as well. Although your fish look happy for now, the ammonia and nitrite levels probably didn't get to a high enough point that may cause stress, or worse, illnesses or deaths. I would monitor your water parameters (ammonia, nitrITEs/nitrATEs). If they spike, I would suggest performing daily water changes of about 15% daily until the levels go down.

What type of filter do you have?

Is the tank by a window where it receives alot of light? If not, how long do you keep your lights on?

How many times do you feed your fish? Do you feed alot?

I'm just curious since you already have algea in such a short amount of time.
hi! We bought the tank as a kit from the store so it came with an Aqua Clear 200 power filter (200gallons/hour). Not sure if that is good or not? The tank is along a wall that gets no direct sunlight at all. In the beginning we fed the fish twice a day but in the last 10 days or so have cut down to once a day only. Usually we feed them just a little bit of flakes in the morning and every few days or so we throw in a small cube of shrimp brine as a 'treat' :) We've been pretty careful not to overfeed them.

I'm glad we found this site because no one at the store told us we needed to be checking out our levels everyday! We did stumble onto other sites that told us to check amonia and ph levels which we do everyday (amonia holding steady at .5-1ppm and our PH levels are always at around 7.2 no matter what we do). We've begun daily water changes of approx 10%. I'm embarrassed to say we don't have a nitrite test kit yet :*) but will get one of those today.

ok that's all the info I can think to give! Thanks so much for all your help! You guys are soooo much better that the fish store guys! :thumbs:

Val, your tanks ammonia levels are a coause for concern. Try and buy some ammo-carb or ammo-rocks. If you can't get either, I know you can get ammo-lock. You need to bring down these levels.
I agree about NOT using Amo-Loc. Your tank is still cycling with too much fish at the moment, so you will have high ammonia & nitrites for awhile. This will stress the fish and may cause illnesses or death, which is why you need to check your ammonia & nitrites daily and perform the daily water changes until the parameters level down to 0.

Your pH will normally not change, though there maybe a slight difference fresh tap water than one that has been sitting for about an hour. This is becuase the water has been sitting after an hour has settled and released carbond dioxide, which changes the pH slightly. Your pH of 7.2 is slighly alkaline, but perfect enough for most fish, even those that prefer acidic waters.

Regarding test kits, the primary concerns is ammonia, nitrITEs, & nitrATEs. Most kits have nitrITEs & nitrATEs together. Most LFSs will test your water for free, so I suggest having your water tested for chlorine and pH once a month or so. This is in case there maybe a change in your tap water, if you use city water. Other than that, just pick up an ammonia & nitriTE/nitrATE test kits.

The amount your feeding is enough for the fish. Mollies are good grazers so they will eat most foods that have fallen to the substrated.

Good luck with your fish. It looks like you're doing everything well so far, though I would slap your hand for stocking without cycling. :D Just keep up with maintenance and feel free to ask questions for any problems or questions.
thanks to everyone who responded! I'm off right now to purchase the nitrite/nitrate tests and promise to keep up the daily water changes. I cannot wait until my tank fully cycles and this stressful part is over! :( I'll keep everyone posted on my progress and how my 'kids' are doing.

I have heard you can buy an extra inset for your AC 200 filter.

It's an ammonia sponge that you can add to it.

Unfortunately I am not sure about the effectiveness of such a sponge...but I suppose if it is like active carbon, once it's effectiveness has been overused, it can cause a negative effect and re-release toxins into your tank :(

Has anyone used this Ammonia inset for their AC 200 filters?

Also I agree with Dragonslair about getting the Bristlenose....I am looking to pick one up someday :)

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