When Do I Change My Filter Stuff?


Fish Herder
Aug 17, 2006
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I have a JAD aquarium and am using the filter it came with, very good filter BTW. It has three stage filtration mechanical (ceramic rings, chemical (bag of activated carbon) and biological. I prolly should never change the biological, but should I change the others. If so, how often?
AFAIK carbon should be changed weekly but only added in certain circumstances and not all the time. The bio sponge shouldn't be changed unless it's disintegrating and not doing it's job properly (just a quick rinse in tank water every now and then) and I'm not sure about the ceramic rings.
I change my filter media whenever it falls apart. That means that I have changed a carbon filled cloth cartridge once after it had been in the filter for about 4 years. All of my sponges and ceramicsa are original to the filter and have never been changed. I do clean all of my filters as they start plugging up and restricting flow but they need to fall apart before I toss them.

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