When Can You Tell The Sex Of Platy?


Fish Addict
Feb 21, 2006
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Stockport UK
I have 6 fry and I dont have a clue what age as I found them in my tank, i know they are 2 ages.. 4 are about 1xm and 2 are abour 1.5 cm..
on mine which are 1cm (there's only 2 of them) they both have the female anal fin not the rod like one of the male.
on mine which are 1cm (there's only 2 of them) they both have the female anal fin not the rod like one of the male.

all of mine have that but I was wondering if they might turn into a rod like one later, how old are yours?
lol, i think its around 6 weeks you can sex them but i'm not sure.
hi clareuk,
ive just moved my five ,11 week old baby platy to a new tank,for a long time i thought i had all girls now looking close one has developed in to a boy,mine are about 2cms long. ;) hth
donna :) .

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