When Can I Add New Fish After Getting Rid Of Ich


New Member
Apr 19, 2012
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Does anyone know how long is a safe period of time to wait after getting rid of ich in my tank? There has been no sign of it on any fish now for about 10 days. I did part water changes every other day and hoovered the gravel and boiled all the ornaments for over a week and so far there is no sign of it. All fish seem very happy and well. But I would like to know how long before I add any new fish, as unfortunately I did lose my clown loaches and my pleco to the disease, I removed them from my main tank as soon as I realised there was something wrong and tried my best to save them in a hospital tank, but unfortunately I failed. I want to replace these fish but don't want to rush it, anyone have any ideas.

I have a 180 litre tank (set up for years) not sure what brought on the disease, apart from maybe stress due to my corys and my angel fish decided to breed at the same time so I was in and out tank trying to give them a chance. I bought a new tank for them and the corys are in there with a batch of danio's that also decided to breed ( I think there must be something in the water, as I can't stop the little things breeding) I was unsucessful with the angel fish but that's fishkeeping I suppose.

Let me know if you can help thanks.
ive just had the same prob m8...but i got ich with secondry infection of finrot....i cleaned my tank completley ran it for 14 days then added the fish , 2 every 5 days till all were back in . i still have a hospital tank set up and hve just bought some new fish...they will stay in the hospital tank for 10-14 days before being added to main tank !....good luck !!

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