When Breeding Bettas...


Fish Fanatic
Dec 9, 2007
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In your opinion, what is more attractive? A pure fish with similar traits in the parents or something else?

I have a normal Veiltail blue betta, Heres a pic:

I'm not looking to go full on spectacular betta breeding, I'd just like to give it ago. I'm in the process of getting everything ready atm.

What female colour/Tail type would produce a slightly nicer looking fish?
Should I stick with another blue fish? Stick with the VT tail type?

Like I said, I just want to try my hand at breeding really. I realise Blues are incredibly common, and that my options are limited and that creating a beautiful fish takes many stages of breeding.

I'm reading through this genetics stuff now, now I wish I had payed a bit more attention to genes in school.

[If whatever I do is successful I'm fully prepared with upkeep/care and homes. ;] ]
I would def. stay away from breeding VT's. There are way too many out there that are homeless already, and no one would really be jumping to take them off your hands (even for just shipping costs) because they can get them for $2 or $3 at a local store and not have to deal with the stress of shipping.
Just bear in mind also that whatever tail type female you put with him, you will still end up with predominantly VT fry as the VT gene is dominant over others. As far colours go, without knowing the genetic history of your pair you can't really predict what colours you will get and red is a dominant colour, so any traces of red will also come out in your fry.
even if you breed two bettas with the exact same color do there young come out different colors
If their parents, grandparents, greatgrandparents had different colours then those colours can come out in future generations.
If their parents, grandparents, greatgrandparents had different colours then those colours can come out in future generations.

Thats really exciting :hyper:, lets hope its something relatively nice. Just bought a tank for spawning off ebay for £6.50 :D Gonna go collect it this saturday hopefully.

I've already got a tank set up for the female, so I might be able to get her this week sometime.

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