When Bettas Attack


New Member
Jan 29, 2011
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I have been having trouble with my betta he has been chasing my other fish it has only been happening lately .does my betta hate his tank mates
They are pristella tetras four of them I had to move them out coz my Betta attacked one and he lost his eye ,but that was a while ago and he does fine
How do the tetras treat your Betta? Have you noticed any fin nipping?
How do the tetras treat your Betta? Have you noticed any fin nipping?
Na not at all they keep to them selves ,are there any fish that are good with bettas

What size is the tank? Your Betta might just be a bit territorial. A smaller tank will mean more traffic through his territory which he might not like.

I've found Harlequin Rasboras and White Cloud Mountain Minnows fantastic tankmates myself. Both are readily available in most fish stores and they are pretty friendly towards other fish. Harlequins are beautiful to watch and look pretty spectacular swimming together in a heavily planted tank. White Clouds might be advertised as Coldwater in the shops but they are native to areas which are sub-tropical and have really gained popularity thanks to Biorbs, particularly as easy fish for a Baby Biorb that won't need a heater. Both are quite hardy as well.

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