I'm trying really hard to act normal
Today when I was feeding all of my boys, I got attacked! Twice!
First was Dogma, which didn't really surprise me. He attacked the terra cotta pot I put in there for two days.
He's always been my tough guy (I imagine he would be a rottweiler in the dog world). But Roo...that was a shock. I put a brine shrimp in for him, and it starting sinking before he saw it, so I poked my finger in there to bring it back up, and it looked like something off of Shark Week!
He was circled around my finger, biting it several times ( I think...it all happened so fast
). He was always my quite one...never even flared at Eptun or Simon...just minded his own business. Who says bettas are boring? My molly never bit me...
P.S. Gweedo is doing great! *Knock on wood* Eating fine...still not sure what to do with a WHOLE gallon of living space.
Soon he'll get his own terra cotta pot and plant. 

P.S. Gweedo is doing great! *Knock on wood* Eating fine...still not sure what to do with a WHOLE gallon of living space.