When Are Bettas Full Grown?


New Member
May 31, 2010
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Just curious. It seems as though they can start spawning around 3 months of age, but is that when they are "full grown" in terms of their body and fin size?

I read on some other site that one hint about your betta's age is how long its fins are and how big its body is, with the idea that shorter-finned bettas may still be growing. But on sites like aquabid, the halfmoon bettas they say are 3-4 months old seem to have very long fins already.
Heh, not a helpful response, but thanks for tryin. :lol:

What I mean to ask is this: how long (months, years) until a betta is fully grown from the time it is hatched?
My male betta is at least 6 or 7 months old and his fins are still growing if it's any help, he is a delta tail, possibly super delta.
depending on feeding and temp of the tank at about 6 months are fully grown in body..finnage can continue growing for a long time afterward.
there are a lot of variables to consider so no clear-cut answer.
it also depends on if you managed to get a runt, which i dont think they last as long as a normal one... at least thats what i heard. i have a betta and he's pretty big, and my friend got a betta that was smaller then mine when it was finished growing
If a LFS supplies bettas from a young age and tubbed, they will be stunted. The majority will commence their growth spurt, once homed in a bigger tank. Best bet with breeding, is to breed a betta before it reaches full growth (which is predicted at a year of age).

But unless you've purchased a betta from a breeder, you are unlikely to known it's real age. LFS males tend to be around the 6mnth - 1yr mark (longer tailed),females younger.

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