Whee my new betta.....


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
Reaction score
No betta!!! We went to the lfs today. I had a water test done, just to make sure mine was right. It was, the water was fine. All exited, I went to look at the bettas. They had the normal bluey mutts, one quite nice marbley one and a red one. I liked the marbley one but he looked a bit ill, so I went with my next choice, the red. I had a credit note for £3.70, the bettas were £3 so I used the 70p towards Tetra Betta food, which I haven't seen anywhere else. So that was good. Then.....
I asked the assistant if I could have it, showed him where it was and he said.....
I'm sorry, that tank is undergoing treatment at the moment. I'd get in trouble if I sold it to you.

:grr: Grrr..... But they also said they were getting some more in tomorrow, so I'm going again and hopefully they will have some more colours.
They also had frogs, but only ACF's :( And some other type that I can't remember. I shall ask tomorrow if they do ADFs......
Then I will be happy! Moo ha ha ha ha.....
PS. Sorry for my life story, but tomorrow you can have pics of my new boy .... if I get him....
*bump* LOL sorry but will bettas eat wingless fruit flies? They had some today, I just remembered. What about wax worms?
Wingless fruit flys are good, and they love them, normally. I don't know what wax worms are, so I would think if they are proper size and clean, then they would probably love them.
psst - I do have to say that I am pretty impressed that a fish store would have bettas in treatment and not sell them for that reason.

Normally the poor guys go unnoticed on their dusty little shelves wasting away and no one notices when they're sick.

I saw one at the pet store here in town the other night that had more holes in his tail than he had actual tail. it was pretty sad.
Yeah, they're pretty good. I believe they even treat customers fish sometimes- there was a parrot chiclid (I think) in a tank with a label saying 'NFS- Customers fish recieving treatment'. At least I should be one of the first people let loose on the bettas :)
OohFeeshy said:
Yeah, they're pretty good. I believe they even treat customers fish sometimes- there was a parrot chiclid (I think) in a tank with a label saying 'NFS- Customers fish recieving treatment'. At least I should be one of the first people let loose on the bettas :)
sounds like a very good LFS :thumbs:
That sounds like a VERY nice fish store.

It's unfortunate that not all of them operate that way.


I wonder if it would make a difference how vulgar humans treat animals if the little creatures could talk. -_-
BettaMomma said:
I wonder if it would make a difference how vulgar humans treat animals if the little creatures could talk. -_-
It doesn't make much of a difference in the slave trade, so my guess would be no.
Yippee! I got a betta today! He's very pretty, to me at least. He's a red VT, nothing special but :p. It looks like he's had a little scuffle, his tail looks 'split' but it has healed, and should go red soon. He's so cute when he flares....... I will try and get a pic when the camera lets me. And he might be getting a friend soon- they had ADF's, they were labeled as African Congo frogs, but they are the same thing. Now all there is is to get some frozen bloodworms or live fruit flies, and try to ersuade mum to let me get a froggy (she hates frogs!)

Also, any name suggestions?
I think wax worms would be way too big for your average betta ;)

He sounds cute ^^ I've had two red bettas. The first one was Tim Armstrong, named after the lead singer of Rancid since I used to name all my males after band lead singers. He had a giant gash in his head when I got him but it healed. He died of old age some time later. Now I have Tiny Tim, uncreatively named such because he looks identical to Tim but seems growth stunted because he is itty-bitty.

What I'm trying to say is, I'm horrible at naming fish so don't ask me. But enjoy your new guy ^^
I did think waxworms would be rather big, but I will try thm when my betta is less stressed and I find a wax worm attatched to my clothes or something..... Don't ask.
LOL! For the naming....give him a name that suit his personality, color, attitude, whatever you can think of. My male betta (avatar) is named Mayo (mayonnaise =]). My suggestion would be Crimson for red =].

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