What's Your Top 5 Tips?


New Member
Oct 28, 2005
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Gloucester UK
:thumbs: Hi all

:S Just trying to read all the threads! Saves asking the same old questions!

So, whats your TOP 5 tips for a Newbie like me! :D

1. Cycle your tank, Fishless Cycling if possible.
2. Thoroughly research ALL fish you might, or do want to get.
3. Don't impulse buy.
4. Understock, to begin with.
5. Read read read! All you can, it will help you out in the long run.

That would probably have to be my top 5....can I continue on though? I have more. :p

6. Keep fish the way they are supposed to be kept. If they need to be kept singly, don't think they are somehow going to be magically friendly with one another in your tank. Keep fish that like schools in schools.
7. Have fun with your fish! Don't get overly stressed out about it...there are a few things that need to be done, but don't fret too much to make the hobby not fun.
8. Have some basic meds on hand...salt is always a good one.

Um...I think that's it...for now...:p
You pretty much covered it Annastasia
1. overfilter
2. keep school fish in schools or 6 or more
1. Like Annastasia said Cycle.
2.Check Your Ph Level,Nitrate Level,etc.
3. Remember a clear tank isnt always a clean one...(10-20% water changes)
4.Research your fishes habitat.(Food,Water temp.etc.)
5.Don't overfeed your fish...
:thumbs: Hi all

:S Just trying to read all the threads! Saves asking the same old questions!

So, whats your TOP 5 tips for a Newbie like me! :D



Yep! You guys covered it.
  1. Buy a tank 20 gallons or more. Under 20 is very hard to care for, believe it or not!
  2. Cycle your tank. Fishless cycles are harder. For newbies I reccomend a regular cycle. Test, dechlorinize, treat, wait, add a few fish. :)
  3. Test your water a lot. It will keep your fish healthy and save you money.
  4. Do not overstock! It cramps fish and stresses them. Start with a few, hardy fish.
  5. Research! Pay attention to friendliness, temperature, size(length), min. tank size, and water type (brackish, fresh, salt. Also hardy, sensitive, morderate)
  6. Do not overfeed! There will be an ammonia spike if it is not eaten, you have to calm it down, fish die, you have to clean tank, you have to remove dead fish, ect.
OOPS! That was 6...but, they are the most important 6 to remember. I am glad you choose to ask before buying. A common mistake. :) :thumbs:

Edit: I just noticed and changed that it said, "craps fish" not cramps! :lol:
This is getting repetitious (or,as I prefer to put it, great minds think alike):

1) Don't buy a tank smaller than 10 gallons if you intend to keep anything more than a lonely betta.
(15-gallons tanks are fine if you have enough selfcontrol not to overstock and stick to small fish)

2) Cycle the tank. Fishless is best. Don't believe the people who say fishless is harder; its' not that hard. Cycling with fish is a lot harder on the fish- and that is what should matter. YOU don't have to swim in a bath of toxins. And you're going to have to learn about the chemistry of the tank anyway.

3) Buy a test kit, preferably a liquid one.

4 Never EVER buy a fish without researching it. Leave your money at home the first time. And do not expect that "for your sake a miracle be wrought"! Schooling fish will need to school; aggressive fish may seem perfecty sweet in the shop tank, and for the first few days/weeks/months at home, but one day pandemonium will break loose; gender ratios need to be observed etc.

5) Make time for weekly water changes (20-25 %) and do NOT overfeed.

Can I add a number six:

6) Fishkeeping is just that: fishKEEPING. It is not retail therapy, but looking after real living beings. From time to time we see posters who are spending great sums buying more and more fish, yet seem strangely short of cash when it comes to buying a test kit. All fish, whether cheap or expensive, deserve to have suitable living accommodation and proper care. A happy and well-kept guppy is always going to be more impressive than an unhappy zebra plec.
my tips

1) resaerch fish and take the advice of the fish shop wokler with a pinch of salt they may be correct they may not be
2) when going to the fish shop have your purchases in mind and do not "spur of the moment" purchase
3) religiously do water changes and cycle the tank
4) feed your fish a varied diet
5) most importantly have fun
:D I had a feeling it was going to get a bit repetitious, but there the best tips!

Cycling has to be the best one, we have had good results on my sons small tank, were in to week 5 now, we put fish in after week 3, all looking good, with water tests steady.

Starting Tuesday, Im filling my Juwel Rio 125. It is a fantastic 2nd hand one, just over a year old, but in 1st class condition, and muched loved and cared for.

The filters have been gently cleaned, so the plan is to leave them as. I will be filling with water from a purifier, then I have a super additive I got from Shirley Aquatics. It contains a number of chemicals that treat the tap water and kick start the filters. Very impressed with it on the smaller tank, so fingers crossed!

Any tips would be more than welcome!!

Cheers all
Ian :thumbs:

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