whats your potion?


im not the jedi i should be
May 30, 2004
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south carolina
what do yall put in your bettas water?
just curious.

per gallon i put 5 drops of amquel, 5 dops of novaqua, 1/3 tsp of fw salt, 4 drops of blackwater expert, 5 drops of stresszyme (i know the stress zyme probably donest help too much since i odnt have filters but oh well. its not going to hurt them :) )
Mine's pretty simple too...

For the tanks w/ just bettas:
1. filtered water
2. salt
3. conditioner (like stress coat)

For tanks w/ bettas and cories:
1. filtered water
2. conditioner

They have been fine and I haven't had any betta deaths :)
aged water with non iodized salt (just a pinch) and conditioner. we use indian almond leaf in our wildtype betta tank and use a "spa" jar with indian almond leaf once a month that all fish spend time in for a few days. ;)
I didn't know your supposed to put a little salt in the water (without scales fish of cousre). :X

Would sea-salt work? :dunno:
In the betta tanks/jars I use (can't say exact amounts, I have an old bartenders wrist)
(sometimes Prime if my nitrates out of tap are high)
Liquid sea minerals
A bit of colloidal silver every few water changes
Amazon Rain
Plane old tap water, with a little bit of aqua-safe stuff to get rid of chlorine etc.

They seem happy enough as the water is very clean round here.

Normally I just add Aquaplus (water conditioner) and Indian Almond Leaf (I'm addicted to this stuff now :hyper:). Sometimes I add a little salt, too.
bkk_group said:
aged water with non iodized salt (just a pinch) and conditioner. we use indian almond leaf in our wildtype betta tank and use a "spa" jar with indian almond leaf once a month that all fish spend time in for a few days. ;)
for the "spa" what is your ration of leaves per gallon?
do you leave them in darkness too?

(i guess what im asking is what all do you do? i just got a large shipment of the leaves and would like to try this as i read about it in your pinned topic)
jacblades said:
bump. :waits wide-eyed for bkks response: :)
the beauty of indian almond leaf is that you don't have to use much to get a result. we have a litre and a half mason jar and use aged water and put a 3" x 3" piece of leaf in (make sure you wash the leaf first) for a gallon, i guess a 4" x 4" piece would be plenty. yes, we make sure the jar is out of the sunlight and will usually keep the fish in anywhere from 4 to 5 days, siphoning out crud from the bottom with a baster as we see fit. frozen blood worms or live grindel worms or daphnia etc. will be fed as it's a "spa" after all and the idea is to give the fish the royal treatment. the fish really do seem more active when you take them out and their scales look cleaner and even colors more vibrant. ;)

i would like to add that recently some thai friends of mine have given me some of their tips for using almond leaf, here is one;
"Indian Almond leave is very useful as bkk described. But be careful, you have to be sure that the leaf is clean. Using uncleaned leaf can cause several disease too.
This is how I use Indian Almond leave for my fishes, and my fishes always healthy and never die from disease.
I put 5 Indian Almond leave in 3 litres of water, then boil it about 20 - 25 min.
wait until it cool down, pour the water into a bottle. When I change water for my fishes, I will mix this Indian Almond leave water to new water."

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