What's Your Largest Fish?


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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What is your largest fish? And how old is it?

My uaru are the biggest I have 5-6" and still growing. They were rescue fish so I'm not sure on the age but my guess is 9 months. The old owners could not remember how long they had the fish. They said a few months.
Currently my two Opsarius, ~9cm long. However, the ~5cm Denisons will be the "monsters of the tank" long term!
my indian leaf fish are about 6 - 7 inches and nearly 4 years old and think thats probably about as big as theyll get, cant wait to see what size the thorichthys elliotti get in their new tank
Ha my largest is either my male Honey G (he's just over 2 inches I'd say) or my yellow Platy........I guess my fish are small :lol:
Jethro my plec, rescue fish now gotto be at least 18-19", previous owners had him in a 3ft tank for 10 years.
10" tinfoil barb, no idea how old he is, but he is a real big fella.
Mines a tie between my largest keyhole and my Geo tapajo - both are a gnats whisker short of 5 inch
Gregory my L001 plec. Adopted him last year from a forum member who needed to rehome him as he was too big for her tank. He's grown even bigger since, at least 12in including tail but he's a gentle giant. Totally in love with him. :lol:
Not many large fish,but i would say my skunk corys are around 2 inches long now :)
Mine is a 2" baby clown loach called Bertie - but ask me again in a few years and the answer will be much more impressive!
tie between my pleco, my fire eel and my callichithys catfish. Correct me on the spelling if you know it. i cant evan say it never mind spell it! all about 8 inch. lots of growing still to do yet :)
My true Heros Severus at about 7 inches, just beating my L75 due to being so rotund and tall :)

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