Whats Your Favorite Marine Fish Of All Time?

powder blue tang i think!
or yellow eyed kole tang

would love a tank big enough to keep both of those. But that seems years off yet

edit: really like clown triggers aswel but i doubt that will ever happen as i like stuff that they seem to like wrecking
The pics Andywg has posted are amazing, never seen any of those fish before but they might just be the finest fish i have ever seen. :drool:
So many to choose from, so little time.

I love my green bird wrasse. He so so fun and entertaining to watch. He is an acrobat and a jokester.
I love the lion fish for his awesome display when he swims.
And I love the Seahorse....What an awesome creature!.....Sorry I could not choose just one either.
My Royal Dottyback- so cool, but so aggresive- he is like a Marine tank equivalent of James Dean. My only fish in my 70G at the mo( he fights his own reflection)- can't see that I will be getting anything else- he is worth the cost of a big tank- just for him. :good:

At least the corals are coming on!!
Yellow watchman goby :hyper: Duno why! just like it! but shame i hardley see it :(

Andywg the 2nd and 3rd pic of the yellow fish :hyper: I want one! how much that set you back?
I adore clownfish; Simply put they are brilliant. However I can not tell you a species just the two genus (Amphiprion Spp and Premnus biaculeatus).

1st. Yellow Tang
2nd. Royal Gramma
3rd. Lyretail Wrasse
1st. Dendrochirus Biocellatus - Fu manchu Lionfish
2nd. Antennarius Pictus - Painted Frogfish
3rd. Dendrochirus Brachypterus - Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish
Percula Clowns definitley....im not actually that keen on anything else :eek:

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