What's Your Favorite Fish?

ditto for the blood parrot cichlid! I feel lucky enough to own two -Sunkist and Tango

celebes rainbows
green terrors
neolamprologus brichardi
balloon rams
red texas cichlids
nanochromis nudiceps
demonsi cichlids
cockatoo cichlids
emperor tetras
Penguin tetras


green chromis
tomato clowns
green clown goby
clown trigger
dragon face pipefish
porcupine puffer
zebra barred dartfish
six line wrasse
Teira Batfish
Orbiculate Batfish
morish idol
french angelfish
camel shrimp
niger triggerfish
mine are....

most plecos, but especially the golden nugget pleco


Raphael catfish / striped dora / Platydoras


but i love this guy!

megalodoras irwini


I like a lot of fish but this is gonna be my three most favourite fish.

Tie between Eels (Laced Moray Eel) and Puffers (green spotted puffer/ dog face puffer)
and catfishes (SA Bumblebee catfish)

For now I'm happy with my Half Banded Spiny Eel and Dwart puffer :hyper: I got the SA bumblebee catfish tho
I love my bristlenoses but my favorite fish have to be the Clown Fish my friend has in his marine tank, I adore their personalities.
weather loach

i never liked blood parrots :unsure: . they look nice but the fact that theyre a hybrid always turned me off.
I know Im gonna get shot for this but - My favourite comes battered with chips.


Seriously it is! But thats 'cause our native fishies are so underappreciated. Would love a tank big enough to house a few cod, and an array of lobsters, crabs and perhaps mackrell swimming about.
I know Im gonna get shot for this but - My favourite comes battered with chips.


Seriously it is! But thats 'cause our native fishies are so underappreciated. Would love a tank big enough to house a few cod, and an array of lobsters, crabs and perhaps mackrell swimming about.
setting scope, 3 clicks left, wind 3mph, 2 clicks up, aiming, fire....fire....fire....BANG!


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