What's Your Estimation!


Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
British Columbia - Canada
well i'm terrible at estimation so what do you guys all think?
They hatched out last night so i started the bbs hatchery about an hour ago, hopefully i timed it right.
Kaden is so funny, he hangs out right in the middle, half way to the bottom, half way to the kids with his head up and if one starts falling he stays right where he is and blows them back up - only if one gets away from him and lands on the bottom does he actually but them in his mouth and take them to the top.
I can't wait to see how they turn out. I just wish i could clean the tank and make it sparkley for when they start free swimming. Not a possibilty with kaden around though. Over protective pappa!
I'm glad though!
Woah, there are so many! I'm terrible at estimation too, as we should all know from my last spawn, but I'd say at least 100 :hyper:
*quietly goes cross eyed*

If I guess correct, do I get to keep a gumball baby?
Here's another fry photo - i think there's a few more than i thought. seems there are light ones too that are a little harder to see....this is 50+ that came to the glass. There are a ton more in the cup that are darker...like the previous picture.
They sure are cute little buggers!
That is a TON of little fry :hyper:!! I'd guess, at least 200. There is usually a bunch more than there appears to be. It sounds like they've got some awesome parents!

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