whats wrong


New Member
Aug 31, 2003
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las vegas nv
hi i'm gurly as seen in my other posts i have a lot of qustions but this one i think is most important. my fry are one day old i have bought first bites fish food for newborns but they will not eat. how do i get them to eat or are they eating when i'm not looking wich is like never please i need to know so all my fry dont die their just so small and helpless. :-(

any suggestions or people with expireince would be greatly appritiated!! :*
For some reason they don't like comming to the top so what I did was grab fish flake food and turn it into sort of like a dust substance and put my finger in the tank and let it go so it falls to the bottom faster...
Babies won't eat right away it takes about a day or two before they start picking food.Now,do you have a nursery tank or are you keeping the fry in the same tank with the parents?If you have a tank for the babies,make sure that you don't over feed them once they start eating.Feed them as often as you can but,making sure that you don't put too much food every time.Provide them with a rich balanced diet. See if your local pet store carries baby brime shrimp either live or frozen.Crush regular flakes with your finger and feed them that.Also,and this is very important,you MUST do water changes on a daily basis.10% would be good,every time adding water conditioner.--Babies don't like sudden water changes--.
Now if you are kepping the babies in the same tank with the parents,given that is a nice "matured" tank there won't be any problems as the babies will eat any algae growing in the tank or any flake falling to the bottom,the only problem might be the parents or any other fish trying to make of the babies their next meal.
If your babies are going to stay in the same tank with the parents,I can tell you how to make the parents ignore the fry.Let me know.......

Good luck,and let me know how's going ....................Harry

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