What's wrong with my new mouse??

Are they both males?

My past experiences two males fought until they were bloody. Two females always worked good. If he's still in the top level he either smells the other male and is skittish or just didn't make it down yet,gettin used to the new digs. If they don't fight you're lucky.
clean out the house completely, in the meantime put them in a clean box where neither mosue has been before and keep a very close eye on them. the idea of cleaning the cage out is to eliminate as much of Ezra's scent as possible, then they will be on an even footing and less likely to fight. I have had many pet mice, they are delightful! all of them were female pairs though, I havent kept males together. I found that when I put males with females, they were very shy unless the lady mouse was on heat.

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