Whats wrong with my guppy

Ace Rimmer

Fish Fanatic
Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Australia - Brisbane
I have 4 guppies in my 10 gallon tank, 3 seem fine and happy but one is usually either floating very close to the top or resting on the bottom, he seems to come good when food is on offer, none of the others seem to pick on him, the only other odd thing about him is the fact that he changes colour occasionally from silverish to black (only part of his body not the whole thing)

only other fish I have in the tank are 3 other guppies and two peppered cories

my ph is 8, ammonia is about 0 - 0.5, nitrite is 0.25, nitrate is 0

i got all four guppies about a week ago

my gf seems to think he doesn't like the light, possible he is scared and likes the dark to hide more???

please help him

if you need any more info, gimme a yell
He is probably still adjusting to his new home. I find some fish take longer to acclimate to a new environment. One of my clown loaches took 2 weeks before it would come out of its cave. I never saw it, not even when it was feeding time. I would just watch it, keep an eye on water parameters and see if he comes around.
just rang my gf (the tank is at her house)

the poor little bugger kicked the bucket during the night :-( :-( :-(

the other 3 are doing fine tho
Sorry to hear that, maybe it was too much for him. Guppies are very fragile creatures a little difference in water and bang they get fin rot or dropsy etc. Due to alot of inbreeding i was told.

Do you have alot of hiding places in the tank?
that happen to me before is the guppy getting fatter??
Three of my male guppies had acted that way. They were mostly at the bottom and I thought they were just resting. Next morning they died. Too much shock I guess. :/

Keep a close eye and hopefully he will come around and join the others. :/

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