What's Wrong With My Goldfish


New Member
Aug 15, 2010
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Hi all

My goldfish (Mango - because she looks like a big mango seed)laid eggs in late December 2010. Since then I think there were more eggs but she did not lay any. I have three more fish with her and they were chasing her about three weeks ago. She went donw in size, but now she's bloated more on the left side and I'm not sure if she has eggs. This morning I got up and she has got some white stuff on the spine of her fins. There is also a little red spot on her mouth, but it is really faint. I have since put her in the hospital tank and treated it with fin rot medication. I have also noticed that she isn't pooing. Is she ill or is this normal. All the other fish aren't pooing either.

Thanking you all in advance.

P.S The water stats are ok. Ammonia = 0.0ppm, Nitrate = 20ppm and Nirite = 0.0ppm and ph = 7.5/7.6

My tank is 165L.
I also forgot to mention she have bulging eyes.
she (they) could be constipated from overfeeding. Try feeding some cooked, deshelled chopped up peas and fast for a day after. Do a big waterchange (wont hurt). Any signs of loss of boyancy or trouble maintaining balance. Constipation can cause swimbladder disorders so watch out for that.
what is your feeding schedule normally like? If not pooping try the peas and cut back on feeding.
all the best
When you say the other fish where chasing her I am guessing the other goldfish. If so the males can get a bit too aggressive in their pursuit of the female and breeding rights, often with the poor female coping a literal bashing. It sounds by the lump on one side she may have suffered an internal injury from all the chasing and pumping from the pursuing males. They may have tried breeding with her again without you seeing and she may not have been ready to breed again. I'm not really sure what can be done for internal injuries on fish, so my best bet would be treat her for the possible fin rot. If she recovers from the white growth on her fins then see how she is coping with the lump. There is every chance any bruising etc may sort it self out especially away from any further breeding attempts by the males or she may just never recover. I would also try to rule out constipation by doing as Ioraxchick suggested.
When you say the other fish where chasing her I am guessing the other goldfish. If so the males can get a bit too aggressive in their pursuit of the female and breeding rights, often with the poor female coping a literal bashing. It sounds by the lump on one side she may have suffered an internal injury from all the chasing and pumping from the pursuing males. They may have tried breeding with her again without you seeing and she may not have been ready to breed again. I'm not really sure what can be done for internal injuries on fish, so my best bet would be treat her for the possible fin rot. If she recovers from the white growth on her fins then see how she is coping with the lump. There is every chance any bruising etc may sort it self out especially away from any further breeding attempts by the males or she may just never recover. I would also try to rule out constipation by doing as Ioraxchick suggested.

Today she seems slightly better. The white stuff has almost disappeared, but her fin is damaged. I will continue with the fin rot medication. As for pooing, I saw some but is was curly - I think it might be a bacterial infection.

Do you know any suitable meds for this?



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