Whats Wrong With My Fish?!


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2005
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Hi i have a goldfish with an eye that has a clearish-white film over it. It just recently came today, but the other eye is perfectly fine. Whats wrong with this eye? Is there anything i can do to cure it? Thank you so much everyone i really appreciate your help!
Hi i have a goldfish with an eye that has a clearish-white film over it. It just recently came today, but the other eye is perfectly fine. Whats wrong with this eye? Is there anything i can do to cure it? Thank you so much everyone i really appreciate your help!

I'm not all that knowledgeable about fish illness but I know that when asked to diagnose a problem the more knowledgeable forum members tend to ask for a picture, a detailed description of both physical symptoms and behavior, as well as water conditions/test results. So putting them up on here now might save time where people ask for them later.

Best of luck, I hope it all turns out all right for you.

i cant get a picture, but the water is fine and it is a 75-gallon with only three other fish in with him. They are all in perfect condition and nothing is wrong with them. But this one is our favorite and it has like a clearish-white film over one of his eyes.
i cant get a picture, but the water is fine and it is a 75-gallon with only three other fish in with him. They are all in perfect condition and nothing is wrong with them. But this one is our favorite and it has like a clearish-white film over one of his eyes.

Do you have any recent test results for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates?
The goldfish has Cloudy Eye, its often caused by water quality problems, general stressful conditions or desease or all of them- so finding the cause of the condition is important in treating it.
You need to update your profile info, what fish are in your 75gal, how many are there and how large/long are they? What is the temp of the tank and how long has it been set up? Have you introduced any new fish to the aquarium at all recently? What is your general tank cleaning regime (water change, clean substrate and filter etc) and how do you go about it and how often on average?
The more info you give us on your situation the better we can be able to help you :thumbs: .
well this tank isnt really mine yet... its my parents but they are giving it to me, thats why it isnt in my profile. There are only four fish, we have had these same fish for about a year or so. (this means no new fish have been added). The tank's quality (ammonia, pH, nitrites, nitrates) are fine. We have two power filters in the tank. These fish are big, but they arent really that big compared to the size of the tank. There is still a lot of room, and there is also a lot of room if you go by the "inch-a-gallon rule". I always say that one goldfish should get at least 10 gallons. So this leaves 35 gallons left over. This tank is a very clean tank and it is in good condition, which is why i am confused that this fish has a cloudy eye. I really hope this helps you guys out.
well this tank isnt really mine yet... its my parents but they are giving it to me, thats why it isnt in my profile. There are only four fish, we have had these same fish for about a year or so. (this means no new fish have been added). The tank's quality (ammonia, pH, nitrites, nitrates) are fine. We have two power filters in the tank. These fish are big, but they arent really that big compared to the size of the tank. There is still a lot of room, and there is also a lot of room if you go by the "inch-a-gallon rule". I always say that one goldfish should get at least 10 gallons. So this leaves 35 gallons left over. This tank is a very clean tank and it is in good condition, which is why i am confused that this fish has a cloudy eye. I really hope this helps you guys out.

What are the exact test results for the water quality stats though? One persons interperatation of "fine" in water quality may be completely different to anothers. What sorts of fish are in the tank as well? Plus the other questions i asked like tank maintanence/cleaning, temp etc?
ok... all i have is 4 goldfish in the tank, thats it. I already explained what they were like in my last post. The test results are perfect, not fine, i have testing kits and they tell me what they should be, like my pH is 7.0, ammonia is 0, etc. I just want to know what is wrong with my goldfish and why he has this disease. And I want to know what i can do to get rid of this disease and cure it.
ok... all i have is 4 goldfish in the tank, thats it. I already explained what they were like in my last post. The test results are perfect, not fine, i have testing kits and they tell me what they should be, like my pH is 7.0, ammonia is 0, etc. I just want to know what is wrong with my goldfish and why he has this disease. And I want to know what i can do to get rid of this disease and cure it.

The reason Tokis has asked for specific test results is that there are many different types of 'goldfish' and they each have specific needs in the way of water conditions, thus it is quite possible that one of the qualities in your water was not the optimum quality for the fish in question. You seem to have adopted a slightly defensive attitude, bear in mind that Tokis only wants to help. She is very experienced and has helped me out enormously in the past.

Best of luck with the fishy,I hope he gets better soon.

have to agree with the above poster, if you answer the questions tokis has posed with full detailed answers we will be able to help you. giving guidance without full awareness of the situation can lead to bad advice and cause more harm than good so we need to know the full situation before we can help.
ok thanks guys i know what you mean and im going to try to explain my goldfish even more now. He is an oranda goldfish with a nice, healthy growth on his head. He gets along just fine with the others. There are two others who are ryukins, and another who is a black moor. They are all perfectly healthy and all of the goldfish are the same size. But all of a sudden one day the oranda came out with this cloudy, foggy eye. But it is only on one of his eyes. My ammonia is 0 ppm (mg/L), my pH is 7.0, my nitrites are 0 ppm (mg/L), and my nitrates are 5.0 ppm (mg/L). I have two power filters and i do 25% water changes. The temp. is about 68 degrees Farenheit. My tank has been set up for about 1 year and there has never been any problems. No fish have been recently added, we have had these fish for about a half a year. Well thats all i can think of now... thanks matt for wishing my fish the best of luck, i really appreciate it :)
Thanks for the info :thumbs: .

Looks like your goldfishs cloudy eye is brought on by a bacterial infection and not something that has gone amiss in the water quality, use an anti external bacterial med like Pimafix and lots of small regular water changes over the next week or so to treat the goldfish :good: . Make sure that the temp in the tank is not too warm, try to keep it in the range of 19-23degrees. What diet/feeding regime do the goldfish have?
I feed the goldfish twice a day with flake foods, but i will usually give them a nice treat (brine shrimp). Could it be the flake foods that are giving him this cloudy eye?
I feed the goldfish twice a day with flake foods, but i will usually give them a nice treat (brine shrimp). Could it be the flake foods that are giving him this cloudy eye?

The diet of flake foods will not be that great for their health in general (it would be a bit like us living off hamburgers everyday), the brine shrimp are good but they are mostly just protein and not much else. Personally i would advise getting some veg into their diet as goldfish are omnivores and are prone to digestive problems if fed too many dried or high protein foods- try feeding them some blanched finely chopped spinache or cooked shelled and chopped up pea's once or twice a week :good: . If they get some better nutrition into their diet and their diet is made more varied, their general health and activity levels will improve and the goldfish with the cloudy eye will probably heal up quicker too :thumbs: .
Frozen (not dried) bloodworms and krill make good treats for goldfish as well :good: .
ok thank you soo much for all you have done to help me! I really appreciate it. I did a water change for him today and i think im going to give him some spinach.

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