What's wrong with my female betta?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
I bought 2 new bettas at my LFS on Sunday, one black female, the other a double tail red male. They right now are in a two gallon that has a divider, so they have a gallon each. They have a heater, which is at 76F. I put 1/2 tbs of salt in their water just to help them out abit from coming home from the store.

The male looks good, active, swimming, eating... The female on the other hand, is listless, just sits there (literally) either at the surface or on the bottom, and hasn't eaten much if at all. If she moves from the surface to the bottom, she just sinks. I don't think I've actually seen her "swim" per se... Physically, I can't see any problems (no ich or fin rot or anything noticeable).

What do y'all think? Thoughts? Thanks!
my female was sick for a while after i did a water change. she had clamped fins and would stay on the top or bottom. as far as i could tell, it wasn't fungal or anything like that. but someone suggested that it might be bacterial infection and should use methylene blue to treat her. after treating her, she is her old self again - active and showing off her fins! so maybe try that after you get your water tested (if they are normal). -_-
Test water in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, can she maintain her balance in the water, does her belly look swollen, I no she not eating which is not a good sign try a shelled pea.
All the water chem levels were zero, with pH about 7.2... She died a few days after I posted this, and had bought her home :-( , but the male that was in the other side of the divided tank is still doing great... Oh well, it happens! Thanks though!

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