What's wrong with my cory?


Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Miserable Wells, Texas
I have been out of the country for a week...hubby was taking care of my tanks........well...one of my cory cats has no whiskers left.....and it looks like he has no lips left :( a couple of other corys mouths don't look all that great either....but there is no white cottony stuff on them at all.......just disappearing mouths.....What do I do?

I cleaned this tank the day I left, and did a 25% water change.....I have all live plants in this tank....and have had a problem with lots of green algae....everywhere.....I haven't tested the water since I have returned, nor have I cleaned the tank....my python broke :crazy: .....getting a new one today though......

I have in this 55 gal tank:

5 corys
4 medium sized angels
1 rubber lip pleco


*edit.....I did find out hubby was overfeeding :sick:
Hi Mama,

What kind of substrate in the tank as I've heard of bottom feeders loseing their 'whiskers' due to sharp or inappropriate gravel which wears them away......

....this could be a possability especially if there is no sign of infection or disease on the affected fish :/

Sounds like Columais infection to me or mouthrot (simple word) caused by:-

(1) Injury to the site - through netting, handling or agression from other tank mates
(2) Vitamin Deficiency - Poor diet
(3) Poor water quality -high levels of ammonnia, nitrite or nitrate, incorrect PH, low oxgen levels

Have you managed to test your water since you got back?


Let know how they do, their barbels will grow back with time so i read.

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