Whats Wrong With My Betta?


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York, USA
I posted the other day about my female betta, she was bloated and her gills were redder than normal. I think her gills were just irritated by my slightly high ammonia levels, but I did several water changes and the ammonia dropped already from .7 to .3-.4 and her gills look better. She's moving fine and had an appetite, but she looks very bloated, and she has something white directly on her anus, about the size of a grain of salt, looks like it might be blocking it. What could it be? and what should I do? any advice would be great, thanx!!
Try adding some salt (definitely not iodized) and turn on your heater.

Add Baktopur (you may ask your LFS about this) and do water change like 50% everyday. Don't feed her for 3 days.

This thing usually happends when it is cold so heater is a must in your place. I hope she'll be fine in the next couple of days.

I'll be honest with your fish is seriously ill.

Just Pray.
ok i'll try that. she's in with a community tank and was doing well until like the other day. will whatever she have affect the rest of the tank? should i isolate her?
Yes isolate her. Some fish cannot tolerate salt so do not add salt if you're unsure the others cannot cope with it.
There really shouldn't be any ammonia in a community tank at all so it is very important to address that issue immediately. Continue to do daily water changes until it comes down to 0 and keep a close eye on it until it stabilises. Any Ammonia will be toxic towards your fish in general and stress them, leaving them open to infection and disease.
ok thank you! i isolated her before as a precaution. i have a betta bowl that i have her in so how much salt should i add? like a pinch? and the ammonia has gone down greatly. i'm new to this and the guy at the fish store "had to make a living" and didn't tell me that adding like 5 neon tetras would bring it way up because i didn't have the problem with the ammonia before adding them. damn little fish. and about the Baktopur i didn't see it in my pet shop. is there something else i could use? what does it actually do? again her health problems came after adding the neons. maybe i should get rid of the things. so far they're nothing but bad luck :lol:
ok thank you! i isolated her before as a precaution. i have a betta bowl that i have her in so how much salt should i add? like a pinch? and the ammonia has gone down greatly. i'm new to this and the guy at the fish store "had to make a living" and didn't tell me that adding like 5 neon tetras would bring it way up because i didn't have the problem with the ammonia before adding them. damn little fish. and about the Baktopur i didn't see it in my pet shop. is there something else i could use? what does it actually do? again her health problems came after adding the neons. maybe i should get rid of the things. so far they're nothing but bad luck :lol:

Small amount of salt should be fine. Since Baktopur is not avaialable there, I don't know if your LFS has Furazan, instruction is written at the back it's a good medicine.

Your heater will do a great part on this so you should turn it on. Good luck and I hope she's going to be ok soon.
A ten gallon tank is actually fairly small. Fluctuations in all matters can happen rapidly. Fluctuations are in most instances bad. Only good water quality is a good fluctuation. The rule is 1" of fish per gallon, but if your tank is new or even sorta new and small, add fish very slowly, waiting weeks and even months before adding new ones. Is this tank cycled? Forgive my ignorance of your situation, but 5 small neon Tetras shouldn't upset your tank although you haven't listed how many of the other fish you have. If you have ten other fish in there besides the neons, it is overstocked unless it is a very established tank. I would move the neons.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that white dot that you're seeing at her anus is her oviposter and is perfectly normal. So that's nothing to worry about if that makes you feel any better.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that white dot that you're seeing at her anus is her oviposter and is perfectly normal. So that's nothing to worry about if that makes you feel any better.

i heard that it turns black when they are ready to breed is this true?

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