What's with the bettas lately?


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
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Camarillo, CA
I don't know why but lately any new betta I buy doesn't except pellets or flakes, only live bloodworms. What do the breeders feed them that makes them not recognize pellets? What can I do to get him to eat because all bloodworms isn't good for my new guy.
Hm.... you ran into picky bettas! :p Annoying aren't they? My newest boy is extremely shy, and will not come to the surface to eat. SOooo he's spoiled rotten, and I drop in frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, and peas. He took forever to even eat that stuff! Your fishie probably just likes his food moving, have you tried dropping in his food so it doesn't float? You probably will have to try a lot of things before he finally starts accepting other food, I know it's been that way for me a few times. Eventually he should start eating flakes/pellets, don't feed him for a few days if you have to, hunger is a good motivator (and it won't hurt him any).
My Nemo wouldn't eat for almost a week. I gave him a betta bite every day, but he just played with it and then left it. I tried bloodworms and flakes initially but he didn't eat them either. Around a week he spent more time with the betta bite and eventually ate it. Now, 2 weeks after getting him, he comes to the surface when I put my hand in, and eats every pellet I give him. So I think they won't starve themselves, but it just takes time to convince themselves that what we are feeding them is as good as what the lfs was feeding them.
It took mine three days in the new tank just to focus enough to eat. Now when he sees me near the tank, he knows which corner to go to :p

Maybe he just needs to get acclimated to his new surroundings? Was he in one of those little cups? I think I'd be pretty confused if I went from some little cup into a big tank! Happy, but confused :lol:
Well, he was in one of the larger cups from wal-mart.
The first two days he didn't eat, then the third day he ate some bloodworms. He didn't eat the day after that. The next day he ate one but spit it out and last night he ate 3!!!! So he was just being a brat.
I think it takes them awhile to adjust to their surroundings, as well as new food, the first 2 days I had my new bettas they didnt eat anything. I heard they love peas so I warmed a few frozen ones up, chopped em up and put some in, they all automatically gulped them up..just to spit them back out LOL..the third day though they were curious and started trying different foods, some they spit out, others they ate..now they eat like pigs, especially my opaque one, hell eat whatever I put in the tank.

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