What’s up with my gourami

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Nov 29, 2017
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My gourmai has been like this the last two days and seems to be getting worst :( I have it in a breeding net because he was struggling to swim to the top is there anything I can do to help
Changing half of the water is always a good idea when fish start acting oddly. We will need more info on the tank though. What size is it, any tank mates, and can you test for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates? It doesn't look like it from the side, but are the scales looking kind of pine coned out when looking from above?

Dwarf gourami are known to get a certain virus that is almost always fatal. Perhaps it has that, in which case there isn't much to do.
Changing half of the water is always a good idea when fish start acting oddly. We will need more info on the tank though. What size is it, any tank mates, and can you test for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates? It doesn't look like it from the side, but are the scales looking kind of pine coned out when looking from above?

Dwarf gourami are known to get a certain virus that is almost always fatal. Perhaps it has that, in which case there isn't much to do.
I’ve done a water change yesterday and there’s been no change the scales look ok when looking from above the tank size is a 50 litre he was in with another gourami that’s fine still 4 tiger barbs 4 neons 6 guppy and 4 zebra danio
View attachment 86315 My gourmai has been like this the last two days and seems to be getting worst :( I have it in a breeding net because he was struggling to swim to the top is there anything I can do to help

According to my Tropical Fish Problem Solver Chart it is likely parasites that gouramis are susceptible to. Use heavy aeration and Parasite Guard or a similar product as I am not sure Jungle Products are still available as this chart was from years ago. Not sure but it sounds like it may be that. Good luck with your Gourami.
According to my Tropical Fish Problem Solver Chart it is likely parasites that gouramis are susceptible to. Use heavy aeration and Parasite Guard or a similar product as I am not sure Jungle Products are still available as this chart was from years ago. Not sure but it sounds like it may be that. Good luck with your Gourami.

I must disagree. Nothing in the photo nor behavior points to parasites IMO. Seems to be more stress related, likely due to the stocking, tank size and water quality.

It would be extremely helpful to know the water parameters as many issues crop up when water quality is poor. Please test the parameters and post the results.

There are several stocking issues that must be addressed. 50 liters is about 13gals. There are far too many fish in that tank. With so many fish, many of which have a minimum of 20gals, the waste being produced is likely causing levels of nitrite, ammonia, and nitrates to be at harmful levels. I highly suggest you rehome the majority of those fish. Out of the fish you have, only the guppies and possibly the neons would get on well in the long run for such a small tank. For all the fish you have, you would need a 29gal (110 liters) minimum to keep them comfortable. Even then some of those species are not compatible due to temperament and temperature needs. Another thing to note, gourami are pretty aggressive towards their own, it is possible the other gourami bullied the oddly behaving one. It is better to either keep a large group of gourami in a large tank, or keep a single gourami for a smaller tank.
According to my Tropical Fish Problem Solver Chart

Lets look at some of the advice that chart gives.

I wouldn't pay any attention to that so called advice

The easiest way to treat finrot is lots of clean water, no need for chemicals.

Dropsy is the buildup of fluid inside the body cavity or tissues of a fish. As a symptom rather than a disease, it can indicate a number of underlying diseases, including bacterial infections, parasitic infections, or liver and kidney dysfunction. How is fungus eliminator going to help?

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