Whats Up With My Amano? Pregnant?


New Member
Mar 11, 2009
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hiya guys iv just notice 1 of my amano shrips belly is a really dark colour on closer inspection they look lk eggs iv never seen a pregnant amano shrimp what do i do? how long does it take? how many eggs does she drop?

thanks in advance.
first off, before anyone explains, i just want you to know that amano shrimp require brackish water to breed. im not that much of a shrimp expert but thats what i know.

Also, notice the shrimps belly, does it have little round things? (eggs) or is it just a dark belly? And i think you know where im going with this.
They don't require brackish water to breed, they require brackish water for the larvae to survive, you will see the juvie shrimp swimming for a day or two before being eaten or dying from the freshwater. The eggs are kept under the swimerettes (probably not spelt right) which are the back swimming legs you will see them using when rapidly trying to get from one side to the other. If they are eggs then they will be clearly circular and the females are the bigger members of the species in case you got it mixed up with a male ;)
here's some old pics of my berried amanos


hiya guys il try and get some pics later. the belly is lk a darkish colour and she keeps wavin here back legs as if shes moving them or something plus she keeps tryin to take cover. just need to know if she is pregnant how long does it normally take before they eggs come out so i can transfer her to 1 of my other tanks. plus if i add salt what type of salt and how much? the tanks she will be goin into will be a 30l few plants and a gravel based which will be alot different from the 1 shes in now which is a 60l with a sand based just hope it dont stress her any advice would help.

hiya guys il try and get some pics later. the belly is lk a darkish colour and she keeps wavin here back legs as if shes moving them or something plus she keeps tryin to take cover. just need to know if she is pregnant how long does it normally take before they eggs come out so i can transfer her to 1 of my other tanks. plus if i add salt what type of salt and how much? the tanks she will be goin into will be a 30l few plants and a gravel based which will be alot different from the 1 shes in now which is a 60l with a sand based just hope it dont stress her any advice would help.


Just look further down the forum and you would see this just copy that and you should have some survive

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