Whats This?


Nov 28, 2006
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whats this i picked up a piece of lr while cleaning the tank and on the under side of the rock was this-
i shook the rock and it slowly peeled half way and its underside of the strange thing is yellow when i touched it (with glovees) it was like jelly almost
whats worries me is that my mum thinks it could be my yellow watchman gobie as i added him saturday and not seen him since and the underside of the starnge thing is yellow like the watchman boie
so what could it be all my other fish and stuff are doing great like usual
the thing



i need some quick advice folks so plz help
cheers lee
EEwwwww. it looks like it could be the gobie...but...why would it stick to the rock like that? maybe it has been festering there and mucus build-up has stuck it to the rock.
Looks like a smushed decaying goby to me. Check your ammonia.
so, should i bag it up and maybe take it to me lfs where i bought the gobie, see if they can identify.
maybe it's too late for me over here but i don't see anything.. LOOOOL... :crazy:
well its out of the water into a another container when i took it out it smelt real bad :sick: so i think it was the poor fella but i dont know how it happened i will check my stats later on today
:shout: atlast i found the goby :hyper:
my mum went to lfs they said it was either a dead coral or dead sponge when i got home i found the little bugger hiding in a gap-he must be amasing at hide and seek

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