Ignore my post count, it means I waffle too much,
Ok here goes
Last week when visiting a local LFS for my weekly live food I noticed they had a couple of gorgeous plecs I just had to have. No. 1 a three inch Gold Nugget, lovely colours and wanted one for ages. No. 2, heres the mystery guy and is difficult to describe as I am mildely colour blind 2.5" long brown body with dark Black maybe very dark blue spots evenly spaced all over the body and one white spot on the tip of each fin very stricking looking fish and I love it. It was labled as L38 Blue spot plec (yer I know, but I never trust this particular LFS as they dont ask any q's and they will sell baby tiger oscars to anybody) its not either, well not from the pics on planet catfish (been right through there catalogue with no luck). Anyone recognise my bad description? I would take a pic but hes still settling in and very difficult to see.
Last week when visiting a local LFS for my weekly live food I noticed they had a couple of gorgeous plecs I just had to have. No. 1 a three inch Gold Nugget, lovely colours and wanted one for ages. No. 2, heres the mystery guy and is difficult to describe as I am mildely colour blind 2.5" long brown body with dark Black maybe very dark blue spots evenly spaced all over the body and one white spot on the tip of each fin very stricking looking fish and I love it. It was labled as L38 Blue spot plec (yer I know, but I never trust this particular LFS as they dont ask any q's and they will sell baby tiger oscars to anybody) its not either, well not from the pics on planet catfish (been right through there catalogue with no luck). Anyone recognise my bad description? I would take a pic but hes still settling in and very difficult to see.