What's this on my fish's fins???


Fish Herder
May 7, 2004
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I have an eartheater that I got at the weekend. I noticed that on his fin (the ones on the side at the front, dunno what they are called. Its' Nemos little fin!!!!) he has a small growth of some type. It looks like a little white blob. I can't really describe it much better than that sorry!!! I tried to get a pic, but he won't keep still long enough!!
Any way, I'm a bit concerned about it. He seems to be eating ok as when I come home from work, the gravel is spilled all ove the tank. He's a bit shy of me, but that's to be expected as he's new, but could it be fungus or anything like that???
Sorry I just noticed this pic, you can just about make it out on it!!

yes, but it looks a little worse than that up close!!

EDIT: It looks almost like a small bit of cotton wool
FUNGUS MY FRIEND.......it is probably fungus :-( :-(

In my experience with this Crapola!!!!......and boy do I have a lot...I would nip it in the bud immediatley!!
Thats what I thought, just wanted someone to second it since I've never seen fungus before!!! Because of that, I didn't say that I started treating the tank with Protozin on Sunday, what is good for treating Fungus? Protozin is a "all-round" type that will treat ich, fungus, velvet etc. Is it ok to carry on with that, or use something else?

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