Whats this fish ??


Fish Fanatic
Nov 28, 2004
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what is it ?? his name is hoover any ideas ? he has no legs

modified- err how do i add photos ??
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it's an eel type thing someone suggested something once and it had legs sorry should of made that clearer.
Perhaps if they suggestedit had legs, they were suggesting a lungfish. They've got the closest things to fins in the fish world (along with the coelacanth), in being lobe-finned fishes. If it has no fins or legs, and is similar to a lungfish, than chances are it's a swampeel (not a true eel, I believe that there are 3 genera of them, the one that you are most likely to encounter in the UK is the asian swampeel, Monopterus albus).

PIC Is this it?

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