Whats The Smallest To Buy A Bn Pleco At?


Mar 4, 2010
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Mitcham UK
I was just wondering what would be the best size to buy a BN pleco at. I have been offered a bristlenose, but was told its only 5mm and were born last week? I myself would have thought that would be too small. Am i wrong? What would you all say is the youngest/size one should get a pleco?


the second the yolk sac goes they will feed one the same as the adults. depending on whats in the tank i would put the 5mm in a tank of its own till it gets big enough to compete for food and not get eaten. im not to sure if there is a best age to buy bns ive brought them at 1" 2" and 4" and all have been fine.
I got mine when he/she was 1 cm, now she/he is over 1 inch and that took all of 1 month :crazy:

My Bettas have left him/her alone and they are pretty hardy and armored fish. As long as you have hiding places, plants etc in the tank, it will do well with smaller fish. They grow pretty fast x
My breeding trio are constantly producing babies. The only fish that ever goes near any of my fry is my angel fish. She's always after my molly and platy fry, so I have to seperate them in a tank. The bn fry are left alone though and no-one bothers them.

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