Whats The Minimum Setup


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2005
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I have a 60 x 30 x 30 tank and hood with a fluval +4 filter and light which Im keeping tropicals in but want to make the move to marine even if only for a couple of small fish. I keep coldwaters in a Trigon 190 and the wee tank was for the nephew and nieces when they come round but tbh tropicals bore me, far rather have my orandas etc.

However had them at the LFS and they wouldnt leave the marine section and are noe pestering me to get a marine tank setup.

Question is what do I need, is the tank big enough for a start and is the filter up to scratch for a marine tank.

What else would I need??

Read all the pinned topics in this section, plus any more in any other relavant SW forum, and you will be well on your way. Its much easier to answer smaller, defined questions about certain topics/equipment/live stock than "what is the minimum needed to keep...." kinda question.

The biggest defining factor on what your tank will need is what you plan to keep in it. Foirst decide on what, if any corals you want, and then go onto fish. Planning for live stock first makes your life, your wallet and your task ahead alot simpler. :nod:
I have a 60 x 30 x 30 tank
Is that inches or centimetres?

If it's inches you have a 195g (233g US) tank
If it's centimetres you have a 12g (14g US) tank

If it's the larger then you'll have no problems, if it's the smaller (which I presume it is) then this is a very small Nano tank and will not be the easiest of tanks to maintain (even for the experienced aquarist)

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