Whats The Matter With Blinky?


Fish Crazy
Jun 19, 2008
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For a couple of days now one of my albino cory cats has been fairly motionless on the bottom, with just an occasional movement, and an occasional wink of course. The others are fine. Water stats are fine, Ammonia and Nitrite remain at 0.

This is the tank that had the sick tetra in, but the tetras are out now.

Any ideas?

resting on the floor can be a sign of a bacterial infection

didn't follow the tetra thread, what was wrong with them and how did you treat it?
Well, had 10 now have 6...

Found what I thought was Ich on one of them and put a treatment in 96 l tank (Interpet Whitespot) thats about a week ago. He didnt make it and I also lost 3 others in the space of a week. One has had a red gill on one side only for over a week, since I got him. The 6 survivors are now in a hospital tank and doing fine, but the red gill remains. I am not treating it because it is not clear what it is.

Unfortunately I bought the corys from the same place as the tetras and at the same time. I will never go there again, but that doesnt help the sick fish. Tonight he has gone into hiding. He did this last night and I thought he had snuffed it, but I was wrong.
Blinky and one of his mates (albino cory) died during the night. No signs on either body of anything. Tested water Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 pH 7.6. This has me confused. The neons that I removed from this tank are now fine in the hospital tank but the one with the red patch on his gill still has it.

Im wondering if it was the treatment for white spot (added 18th, several 25% water changes done since then), but if I remove the completely treatment by putting in carbon what if a mite from the whitespot has survived?? But there has been no recurrence of whitespot on any other fish.

Im so confused. It feels like I have the tank of death. The other tanks are OK BTW.
I'm pretty sure corys are sensitive to medications..I could be wrong tho!

But maybe it had something to do with that.
I'm pretty sure corys are sensitive to medications..I could be wrong tho!

But maybe it had something to do with that.

Im fairly sure it was. I did a 40% water change as one of the danios started to look iffy, then I put the carbon filter in to remove the treatment. Following this everything has been fine. I only have one cory left though, and I would like to get some more so he isnt lonely. However Im watching them for signs of illness so it would be crazy to put something else in.

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