What's The Largest Clown Loach You've Ever Seen?


Aug 9, 2008
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East London
The biggest I've ever seen was in 1980 in Wakefield (Yorkshire, UK) It was huge, probably 16" long and very deep in the body, maybe 4". I've never seen one as big since, even in pictures. It wasn't for sale by the way.
The biggest I've ever seen was in 1980 in Wakefield (Yorkshire, UK) It was huge, probably 16" long and very deep in the body, maybe 4". I've never seen one as big since, even in pictures. It wasn't for sale by the way.

hi there. i went to chester zoo about 7 months ago and i seen them and they must of been at least 18 inches long if not a touch bigger. they were massive.
Marge and Albert are great and th article that comes with the google search
His owner was away for a weekend and a heatwave occured,resulting in an over heated tank and Albert died age 17years old :(
how old do u reckon that was then? as they gro very slowly

No idea but the shop owner said it was definitely from the wild. I'll never forget seeing it as it was so big.

Albert doesn't actually look that big, unless the photo's deceptive. The one in Wakefield was far bigger.
I've seen 12" fish back in the late 80's

and it was in a shop and in a tank around 30" long with a UG filter!!!!

Currently i have 3 2 year old fish around 6 inches in size.
Biggest clown I've seen in person was only about maybe 8 inches long at the LFS. They had it in their planted tanks for the longest time. Hope someone ended up buying it and giving it a good home.

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