What's The Highest Safe Ph For Black Kuhli Loaches?


Jun 12, 2006
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Ohio, USA
I can't really find a good answer by surfing the web, and even then I'm not sure I'd trust it.

I'd like to move my three black kulhis from the seven gallon they're currently in, to the 20 gallon snail tank.

The snail tank just had coral sand added to it get the pH up where it should be for healthy shell growth on the snails, and tonight it tested at 7.2, and will probably be higher tomorrow.

What is the safest maximum pH for black kuhli loaches? I don't want to harm them by adding them to alkaline water, but I would like for them to have more room to explore, even if they are happy and active in the smaller tank. If the snail tank would be safe for them, how long should I take to adjust them over to the new water? (I doubt that a few hours would be enough to do it safely.) I really love these guys and don't want to harm them.
Well these are the tank conditions a Black Kuhlii Loach should be in. A temperature of 79-86F. A pH of 6.0-6.5 :nod: Hope this clear things up.
6.0-6.5 is what kuhlis probably love, however unless you have a pH of 9 and have chocolate gouramis or something else that is not at all hardy, then pH isnt really anything to worry over, especially in your position, as long as it is stablised at that reading, 7.2 is absolutely fine for your kuhlis, 7.2 is an ok reading, nothing too drastic, and kuhli loaches are nice hardy fish.
Okay then. I'm going to a wait a few weeks and move them over to the new tank nice and slowly. I had bought one for a seven gallon, and then found out they do better in groups. So I bought two more. They're a little cramped, I think, but by the way they're growing I don't think they're uncomfortable. :D

The betta in the snail tank is doing great, and I think bettas and loaches come from about the same environment, don't they? (South-east Asia?) I just wasn't sure if the pH would be high enough to stress them because I know they prefer slightly acidic water.

We'll try it and see and if it's a problem, they'll go back into the seven and I'll try and shuffle around something else for them. I could always get another tank. :evil grin:
6.0-6.5 is what kuhlis probably love, however unless you have a pH of 9 and have chocolate gouramis or something else that is not at all hardy, then pH isnt really anything to worry over, especially in your position, as long as it is stablised at that reading, 7.2 is absolutely fine for your kuhlis, 7.2 is an ok reading, nothing too drastic, and kuhli loaches are nice hardy fish.
A reading of 7.2 for pH for Black Kuhli Loaches is to high :crazy: . If you want healthie ones you should have it between 6.0 and 6.5. I know they are hardy fishes but that is no reason to keep them at that pH.
I was able to find some 'snail people' who have kept B.K. loaches in with their snails at a ph of 7.4 for a few years and they've never lost any or had health problems. Maybe they just lucked out, but I am going to try it and see. At the first sign of stress, they're getting moved back.

Thank you for all the advice. I am keeping it ALL in mind when I do this. I won't do anything stupid or risky for the little guys. I love 'em too much!
A reading of 7.2 for pH for Black Kuhli Loaches is to high crazy.gif . If you want healthie ones you should have it between 6.0 and 6.5. I know they are hardy fishes but that is no reason to keep them at that pH.
I agree that ideally they should have a rather acidic pH, but anything up to 7.8 should be fine. It is perfectly possible to keep kuhli loaches in perfect health at this pH. In freshwater aquaria pH levels are not overly important, unless you are dealing with fish that need specialized levels such as Rift Valley Cichlids or Discus.

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