Whats the difference

Chaos bringer

New Member
Feb 19, 2005
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Im soory for my ignorance but could someone please explain what all the different classes mean thanks
The pinned topic IS excellent, and I think it has photos too.

Synirr - your bettas are simply beautiful. Do you have them all housed and living with you now? What kind tanks are they in and what's your routine for changing water, etc.? LOVELY...

I think my favorite is Mikhael. I've seen LOTS of bettas, but never a grass green one. LOOOOOVE him.
Do you mean show classes? When you show a fish you've bred in an IBC show they are placed in one of hundreds of classes to keep them categorized by color and fin type. This makes it easier for the judge. Each class has a first,second and third place winner. That may not be what you're talking about at all though...
BettaMomma said:
Synirr - your bettas are simply beautiful. Do you have them all housed and living with you now? What kind tanks are they in and what's your routine for changing water, etc.? LOVELY...

I think my favorite is Mikhael. I've seen LOTS of bettas, but never a grass green one. LOOOOOVE him.
Thank you! :)
Some of the ones in my sig have since passed on and I haven't gotten around to taking pics of my new boys... but I have around 15 males at the moment. Six are in a split 10 gallon, and the rest are in 1 gallon bowls (except for a couple of them who seem to prefer half gallons, for whatever reason.) I do 100% water changes on the bowls once a week, and a 50% weekly water change on the tank.
You do 100% water changes only once a week on 1 gallon bowls and you have fish that look that nice? Holy cow - do you use holy water with them or how do you do it???
My 2.5 gallon tanks get 100% water changes every 5 days and my boys are always battling something caused by poor water conditions.

I do my one gallons once a week,too. Are your tanks cycled bettamama?
No aeration or filtration - just a little heater.
In my 2 gallon hex, I do have an undergravel filter but the air trickle is set to be really slow.

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