Hi , My tropical tank had some problems recently when I introduced a new fish into my matured tank (3 years), I got white spot on the new fish ( a betta ) I instantly treated my tank with the king british white spot treatment and followed the instructions and my betta seemed fine after 3 or 4 days so stopped treating.
A week went by and I decided to do a water change 25% which I usually do every couple of weeks thought it would be good as my nitrate was highish and thought that the white spot had been cleansed.
How wrong could I be...
The white spot came back on my plecs and one of the tetras so I treated again and several days later then the next day disaster all dead but the betta?
I personally think that the water change was the worst thing I did because it diluted the treatment and the white spot came back?
Ok to date the fish I had in my tank : 2 plecs , 2 angels , 2 tetras , 1 betta all dead except the betta which I belive caused the incident. Why is he ok and all the others dead has he got a imunity or somthing?
I need some advice on how to start over I was going to let the tank sit for a few weeks or so with the treatment added left in with the filter/heater on i have turned the light off and airiation.
Then drain my tank completly and let the tank dry up for a few weeks to kill the white spot parasite then restart my tank and cycle my filter.
My tank is a 75ltr tank with a biolife filter/heater
my water quality is amm 0
nitri 0
nitra 40/50
ph 7-7.5
Any help gratefully received
A week went by and I decided to do a water change 25% which I usually do every couple of weeks thought it would be good as my nitrate was highish and thought that the white spot had been cleansed.
How wrong could I be...
The white spot came back on my plecs and one of the tetras so I treated again and several days later then the next day disaster all dead but the betta?
I personally think that the water change was the worst thing I did because it diluted the treatment and the white spot came back?
Ok to date the fish I had in my tank : 2 plecs , 2 angels , 2 tetras , 1 betta all dead except the betta which I belive caused the incident. Why is he ok and all the others dead has he got a imunity or somthing?
I need some advice on how to start over I was going to let the tank sit for a few weeks or so with the treatment added left in with the filter/heater on i have turned the light off and airiation.
Then drain my tank completly and let the tank dry up for a few weeks to kill the white spot parasite then restart my tank and cycle my filter.
My tank is a 75ltr tank with a biolife filter/heater
my water quality is amm 0
nitri 0
nitra 40/50
ph 7-7.5
Any help gratefully received