Whats The Best Way To Catch A 9" Pleco?


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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im redoing my tank from scratch, ive caught all the fish quite easily, except for my 9"pleco.
i need a way to try and move him into a bucket, without stressing him too much. My net is way to small for him to fit in so i need other options.

any suggestions, other than buying a bigger net?

Get a large, clean glass container. Add some zuccini & wait it out. When he goes in, remove the container fish & all.

I got a 15" common as a freebie a month back. Seeing as we couldn't find any glass container that large we drained down the tank, I got a pair of leather palmed gloves out of the truck, & grabbed him. If you do this, you need to slide your hand from the noise back to just behind the eyes, and grab them by the bony part behind the eyes. Don't use cheap gloves, even small plecs have nasty spikes, I've gotten stabbed by smalll bristlenose a few times.

Nets & plecs generally don't work well, they get tangled easily due to all the sharp spines.

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