So i recently lost a lot of fish to ick and the resulting ammonia poisoning from the med killing of my filter bacteria. My current stock (20 gal):
3 Guppies
10+ Guppy fry (soon will be eaten. survivers will be given away)
2 Sparkling Gourami
1 Oto
1 Oto in quarentine for ich
1 glofish
2 Kuhli loaches
8 Cherry Shrimp
They guppys are not the fish for me, i bought them because they were easy beginners fish, but IMHO they are sneaky fish who steal food from other fish, poop a lot, and have way too many babys. They will be given away soon, as well as any surviving fry who don't get eaten. The glofish is a surviver of my original 2.5 gal tank that is now my QT, and hes living out his golden years in the big tank since hes 5+ years old.
I am looking for a tetra that isn't aggressive, isnt competitive for food, and that school nicely. At my LFS, i saw some tetras i had in mind: Pink Jewel Tetras, Albino and Normal Pristella Tetras, Neon Tetras, glolight, or maybe even red eye tetras. I personally prefer the first three, and if anyone could give me info on them or have some suggestions that be great. If I got any of these fish, it look like this:
2 Sparkling Gourami
2 Otos
2 Kuhli Loaches
8 Pink Jewel Tetras
8 Cherry Shrimp
2 Sparkling Gourami
2 Otos
2 Kuhli Loaches
10 Mixed Albino and Normal Pristella Tetras
8 Cherry Shrimp
3 Guppies
10+ Guppy fry (soon will be eaten. survivers will be given away)
2 Sparkling Gourami
1 Oto
1 Oto in quarentine for ich
1 glofish
2 Kuhli loaches
8 Cherry Shrimp
They guppys are not the fish for me, i bought them because they were easy beginners fish, but IMHO they are sneaky fish who steal food from other fish, poop a lot, and have way too many babys. They will be given away soon, as well as any surviving fry who don't get eaten. The glofish is a surviver of my original 2.5 gal tank that is now my QT, and hes living out his golden years in the big tank since hes 5+ years old.
I am looking for a tetra that isn't aggressive, isnt competitive for food, and that school nicely. At my LFS, i saw some tetras i had in mind: Pink Jewel Tetras, Albino and Normal Pristella Tetras, Neon Tetras, glolight, or maybe even red eye tetras. I personally prefer the first three, and if anyone could give me info on them or have some suggestions that be great. If I got any of these fish, it look like this:
2 Sparkling Gourami
2 Otos
2 Kuhli Loaches
8 Pink Jewel Tetras
8 Cherry Shrimp
2 Sparkling Gourami
2 Otos
2 Kuhli Loaches
10 Mixed Albino and Normal Pristella Tetras
8 Cherry Shrimp