Whats The Best Tetra For Me


Cogito Ergo Sum
May 29, 2011
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So i recently lost a lot of fish to ick and the resulting ammonia poisoning from the med killing of my filter bacteria. My current stock (20 gal):
3 Guppies
10+ Guppy fry (soon will be eaten. survivers will be given away)
2 Sparkling Gourami
1 Oto
1 Oto in quarentine for ich
1 glofish
2 Kuhli loaches
8 Cherry Shrimp

They guppys are not the fish for me, i bought them because they were easy beginners fish, but IMHO they are sneaky fish who steal food from other fish, poop a lot, and have way too many babys. They will be given away soon, as well as any surviving fry who don't get eaten. The glofish is a surviver of my original 2.5 gal tank that is now my QT, and hes living out his golden years in the big tank since hes 5+ years old.

I am looking for a tetra that isn't aggressive, isnt competitive for food, and that school nicely. At my LFS, i saw some tetras i had in mind: Pink Jewel Tetras, Albino and Normal Pristella Tetras, Neon Tetras, glolight, or maybe even red eye tetras. I personally prefer the first three, and if anyone could give me info on them or have some suggestions that be great. If I got any of these fish, it look like this:

2 Sparkling Gourami
2 Otos
2 Kuhli Loaches
8 Pink Jewel Tetras
8 Cherry Shrimp


2 Sparkling Gourami
2 Otos
2 Kuhli Loaches
10 Mixed Albino and Normal Pristella Tetras
8 Cherry Shrimp

Thanks :good:
Most tetras, in my experience, compete pretty hard for food.

Personally I try to keep to a shoal of one species given a chance, which looks like what you're doing. That way they act more naturally. One of these days I'll manage to get 40 odd in a tank together.

I've not personally kept the pink jewels or the Pristellas, but have heard that the pink jewels are very similar to keep to Lemon's, which are generally peaceful and easy going.
glowlights are the best. they look awesome in a school of 8 or so.the pristellas are sort of aggressive. I haven't even heard of pink jewels. You should keep glofish in schools of 4.Khuli loaches at least 3.
glowlights are the best. they look awesome in a school of 8 or so.the pristellas are sort of aggressive. I haven't even heard of pink jewels. You should keep glofish in schools of 4.Khuli loaches at least 3.

as i said earlier, i have no intention of keeping anymore glofish and that glofish is only there to live its golden years in peace and die when its ready. My Kuhlis have no problem being a couple, they are always out and about, never fight, and always cuddle. Does anyone have anymore info on Pink Jewel Tetras?

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