Whats The Best Sand


Fish Crazy
Aug 27, 2008
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ok so iv just ordered this background for my tank, and i think that sand would set if off.

Iv bee looking and it all seems quite exspencive, concidering its just sand... lol

Whats the best type/cheapest to get, and where from.

Thanks, Craig


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ok so iv just ordered this background for my tank, and i think that sand would set if off.

Iv bee looking and it all seems quite exspencive, concidering its just sand... lol

Whats the best type/cheapest to get, and where from.

Thanks, Craig

Im no expert on sand but i think the cheapest is argos play sand, BUT i have heard a lot of problems with this sort i.e. toxins build up ect

The other sand i have read about is toys 'r' us play sand which is a bit more expensive but is impeccable. but im only quoting what i have read and have experience with neither so i will let the experts point you in the right direction :good:
Well i read somthing about argos sand, i looked and its like £3 for 15kg. seems abit cheap compared to aqaurium labbeled sand, surly there's a reason for the price differance? lol
Well i read somthing about argos sand, i looked and its like £3 for 15kg. seems abit cheap compared to aqaurium labbeled sand, surly there's a reason for the price differance? lol

As soon as you put "Aquarium" in front of any product the price sky rockets. Its the same as "aquarium" salt. You can buy salt at a supermarket that doesnt have a cacking agent in it and its quarter of the price.

People use argos playsand for the exact reason its £3 for 15kg :shifty:

But as i said toys 'r' us playsand is supposed to be better
i've had the argos play sand in my tanks for around 2 months now my grandad had it in his for over 3 years! Never had any problems with it my self and i know a fair few members on here who have used it or indeed toy'sr us sand too

Toxins do build up in sand doesn't really matter which kind it is but it's good to have a turnover over of the sand whether it be cories snails or just giving it a swirl with your finger will help reduce the chance of getting them

Hope that helps !
the toxins as you describe them (hydrogen sulphide) is actually good in an aquarium, the bacteria cnvert nitrates to nitrogen which can gas off in gaseous exchange.

hydrogen sulphide is one of the most deadly toxic substances on the earth, and im guessing you dont want it in your aquarium after reading that? hold that thought, as soon as the hydrogen sulphide comes into contact with oxygen it becomes harmless, out tanks are full of oxygen otherwise our tanks would not have fish living in them. the only thing that should bother you is when its disturbed and comes to the surface a rotten egg smell is given off, but its all safe :good:
So argos it is?

Is it as bright as the aqaurium sand you can buy, i want it to look good more than anything
if I had the money I would buy black sand flourite. however that stuff is super expensive and very well washed play sand works perfectly fine.
i have argos sand in 6 tanks and it's perfect
just needs a really good rinse before putting it in the tank

if you're not planning on getting corys to help keep the sand clean then get some mts snails or just give it a stir with ya finger
a gentle stir every water change would be good enough, or get corys or pygmy corys. if the betta is nice to them best tank mate ever for a betta imo.
i used argos playsand in my tank and everything seems ok

this is what the sand looks like in a tank


i microwaved it then washed it

i microwaved to kill any bacteria and then washed to remove any stuff i dont want in my tank
i got some cheap sand 99P for a small/meduim bag at southern aquatics... it comes with white, white and black, or just black. Good luck. it says its for hurmet crabz, but its actually fine for any fish tank but not Marian
Play sand is def the way to go... cheap and looks great.

At walmart... saw that they sold colored sand too. Not sure how great it is in an aquarium though, but might just give anotehr option to someone who wants some color.
They had pink, violet, blue, green, orange

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