what's the best for breeding


New Member
Dec 27, 2004
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Vancouver Island, BC
Just wondering. I was partially successful with a small/medium sized female Betta and quite a young male Betta from a petstore [both from the same shop] but cause I had to move I couldn't really keep the fry or them.

Anyways? What do you think is the best for breeding? Please post reasons.
I suppose it depends on the health of the stock and the supplier for the petstore. If you are looking for an exotic tail type, you might have better luck ordering it through a pet store if a breeder near you doesn't breed it.

As for which would be better stock, I suppose it would all depend on if the fish are in bred and all that. I would think the breeder would be a better bet to get it situated and to have healthy stocj, seeing as how the fish would not have to deal with the rigors of transport and handling. :dunno:
Here is a few things to think about. How much you willing to paid for bettas? It is depends what are you looking for, What color of betta you want, what are you going to do with it what are your future plan.
Looking mean plakat, veil, crowntail, halfmoon, delta or pure......
Color.... any?? Or pure type or even champion for competition.
Are you just for fun? Curious? Sale? give away?
Are you going to be a breeder, become a betta seller, or going competition?

If you don't care like free spirit, not for making money, don't want to paid more, invest petmart or fish store type of betta. When they breed, it throw out all kind of colors.
If you willing to challenging yourself, doing competition, have your own betta line in the future, want to sale and be a member of IBC.... invest in breeders type of betta and makesure knowing who are their parent and where they are from. You want a good out come and not just turn out don't know what are they later.:)
That is my two thumps.
I prefer breeders. More challenging. :whistle:

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