Whats The Best Cory


Mar 8, 2009
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Hi There,
right now I got an Aquarium (10G) with 4 Glowlight tetras, 3 Kuhli Loaches, and two Honey gouramis, what is the best kind of cory I can get and how many?
I'd personally say you would be better off buying some more Kuhlis, I have had 10 Golden Kuhli (Pangio doriae) youngsters in my Korall60 since last Sunday and they regularly perform an amazing display for us at the end of the tank, no doubt due to "security in numbers." ;)

Anything bar the miniture cories will be too big for a 10g, as they will appreciate a group of 6+ plus they like some tank floor to explore for more than a second or two.
first off I absolutely agree with the post above. you really need to up the numbers with your kuhlis. With these guys it really is a MUST not prefer to be in numbers of atleast 6 or more but i consider it to be 8 if you really want to see them.
You have to up the numbers with them.

Secondly i also agree that most corys would be to big and put in your tank plus it will put to much strain on the bio load to have (they MUST be in groups of 6 or more) the only ones you could consider would be Pygmy corys but please up your kuhlis numbers first!

I hope this helped please pm or email me if you need anything else :)
x x x
i like panda and the the peppered Cory's i think
the look good in a large Shoal
(they MUST be in groups of 6 or more)
Although it is best to keep a group of at least 6 whenever possible, there is no harm in keeping a smaller number. I have many species where I have 2 or 3 and they do as well as any other group of Corys in my fish room, including pairs and trios that spawn on a regular basis. The word "MUST" implies that harm will be caused by keeping them in smaller numbers. That is simply not the case. - Frank

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